Thursday, May 7, 2015

No homework.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Homework 7

Write on a piece of paper the MYSQL commands to execute the following tasks.

1. Create a new table containing these four columns: Emp#, Lastname, Firstname, and JobClass. The table name should be EMPLOYEES. The JobClass column should be able to store character strings up to a maximum length of four,  but the column values shouldn't be packed if the value has less than four characters. The Emp# column contains a numeric ID and should allow a five digit number. Use column sizes you consider suitable for the Firstname and Lastname columns.

2. Add two columns to the EMPLOYEES table. One column , named EmpDate , contains the date of employment for each employee, and its default value should be the system date. The second column, named EndDate, contains employees' date termination.

3. Modify the JobClass columnof the EMPLOYEES table so that it allows storing a maximum width of two characters.

4. Delete the EndDate column from the EMPLOYEES table.

5. Rename the EMPLOYEES table as JL_EMPS.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Homework no. 6

On a piece of paper, write MYSQL commands to do the following tasks:

1. Show current user.

2. Display all database.

3. Use a database called dbMybusiness.

4. Display all tables inside dbMybusiness.

5. Create a table called products with the following column name
                 prodID, prodName, prodSupplier, prodUnitPrice.  Decide the corresponding data type for each column name, Keys and constraints.

6. Display all records from table customers.

7. Display all records combining cusFirst and cusLast with column heading Fullname.

8. Delete a record with cusID  no 12.

9. Display all records from table customer that lives(cusAddress) in Los Angeles.

10. Discuss the difference between Primary key and Foreign key.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015


On a piece of paper,
 Write the syntax of the following MySQL commands  &
 give at least one example of the command.

1. Create a User.
2. Grant privileges to a user.
3. CREATE- allows them to create new tables or databases
4.  DROP- allows them to them to delete tables or databases
5. DELETE- allows them to delete rows from tables 
6. INSERT- allows them to insert rows into tables
7. SELECT- allows them to use the Select command to read through databases
8. UPDATE- allow them to update table rows
9. What is the SQL command to view the current user
10. What does SQL stand for?

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Homework 4

Create an autoexec.bat or autorun.inf that will automaticaly load a program once a USB drive is inserted into the computer.

On a piece of paper write code the of the file.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Homework 3

I, Write the DOS commands of the following tasks.

        1. Hide file test.txt.

       2. Unhide the file test.txt

       3. Display all hidden files

       4. Copy all files with file extension .exe from the current drive to c:\Daniel

       5. Copy file test.txt to a new file test2.txt

      7. Erase all files that starts with A and followed by 5 characters and with file extension .com

      8. Change the prompt to Hello World :)

      9. Clear the the screen

     10. Display the date and accept the current date.

II.  Explain the function of the following DOS commands.

    1. tree

    2. CHKDSK

    3. Restore

    4. Format

    5. FDisk

      What is batch file?

      What is autoexec.bat?